
T cell activation is crucial in the immune response, encompassing the recognition of antigens and subsequent activation of T cells to execute immune functions. This process requires three signals: Signal 1 from the T cell receptor (TCR) binding to antigens presented by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on antigen-presenting cells (APCs), Signal 2 from co-stimulatory molecules like CD28 on T cells binding to CD80 or CD86 on APCs, and Signal 3 from cytokines that guide T cell differentiation and proliferation.

Abnova’s CD3/CD28 ActiveBeads™ mimic these natural signals to activate T cells in vitro. These beads are coated with antibodies targeting the CD3 component of the TCR complex and the co-stimulatory receptor CD28 on T cells. Binding to CD3 and CD28 provides Signals 1 and 2, prompting T cell activation, proliferation, and differentiation. The beads remain in culture, continuously supplying these activation signals and enabling the production of large numbers of activated T cells over several days to weeks. For Signal 3, Abnova offers CellTx™ Cytokines to complete T cell activation. Abnova’s CD3/CD28 ActiveBeads™ are available in Human CD3/CD28 ActiveBeads™ with humanized antibodies suitable for immunodeficient xenograft tumor models, and Mouse CD3/CD28 ActiveBeads™ with anti-mouse antibodies ideal for immunocompetent syngeneic tumor models. They are valuable tools in both human and mouse T cell research, enabling studies in tumors, autoimmune diseases, and regulatory dysfunctions.

CD3/CD28 ActiveBeads™ T Cell Activation Workflow

CD3_CD28_ActiveBeads_workflow.jpg (149 KB)



Natural T Cell Activation & CD3/CD28 ActiveBeads™ T Cell Activation 

T_cell_activation_nature_vs_CD3_CD28-ActiveBeads.jpg (218 KB)




  • High Efficiency: Consistently achieving high rates of T-cell expansion.
  • Contamination-Free: Using magnetic beads to support a clean process.
  • Preserved Functionality: Maintaining activated T cells in vivo-like function.
  • Long-term Utility: Activating and expanding T cells with Human or Mouse CD3/CD28 ActiveBeads™ for three days to several weeks.
  • No Feeder Cell: Easily expanding T cells without feeder cells.



  • CAR T Cell Therapy
  • Basic Immunological Research
  • Vaccine Development
  • Infectious Disease Research
  • Autoimmune Disease Studies
  • Allergy and Asthma Research
  • Cancer Immunotherapy Research


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For any inquiry, please contact : technicalsupport@abnova.com

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